Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Social Studies

Well, it looks like I will be teaching Social Studies next year! Do I know anything about 6th grade Social Studies? NOPE! I did find out that it consists of world history. That still doesn't help me at all. I am far from a history buff! Who knows, I may learn to love it. I had very similar feelings when I was told I would be teaching 6th grade language. I quickly came to love this and have loved it for the past 2 years.

As predicted, today was very HOT! I kept Annistyn inside all day. She is getting very good at sitting up on her own! She gets tired of sitting after about 5 or 10 minutes and will let you know, but she isn't falling like she used to.

Her right hand looks funny because she couldn't hold it still. She is such a busy-body.

Annistyn's grandmama bought her new butterflies for her bedroom. Her granddaddy came and hung them above her bed tonight. When I put her to bed tonight, she just stared at them. She really likes them.

1 comment:

  1. Love the butterflies!! Kayli is very jealous she thinks they would look good in her room too!!

    Maybe Alex can help you out with the Social Studies. That is his favorite subject. He has this really cool game that he got for his birthday. Maybe you can find one like it!

    Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!
