Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunny Sunday

Not only did we survive the sleepover, but we all made it to Sunday school! I laid down with Tripp, and he probably fell asleep between 10:30 and 11. Tripp and Tuck slept until 8:20 this morning which was very nice! This gave me time to feed Annistyn and get myself ready before they were up. After all the kids were dressed and ready to go, Tripp insisted they all sit together on the couch and get pictures taken!

In the first picture, Mickey Mouse was doing something much more important than I! Tucker and Annistyn love to LOVE on each other! It's so sweet.

After church, Josh, Annistyn, and I went on our weekly date to El Tap. Annistyn was perfect as usual. Then we ventured to Wal-Mart. We bought Annistyn some banana flavored Puffs.

Then Annistyn's daddy bought her a new float for the swimming pool.

When we left Wal-Mart, we had to go to the pool to test out the new float! Annistyn loved it. It is so much better than the other 2 we have. She doesn't lean forward in this float, and the "canopy" part actually keeps her in the shade.

It was so hot outside today! It was a nice day to go swimming. Josh took Annistyn under the water for the first time today. I was not expecting it, and did not have a camera ready. She did really well! She wasn't too sure at first, but she was fine after about 5 seconds.


  1. The three kids are all so cute together! I can't believe how big Katie's boys have gotten. As for the float, I am now on the search for it...we stopped using the other because Garrett keeps trying to dunk himself in the water! Keep the posts coming!!!

  2. Glad you survived the night and made it to Sunday School on time and dressed. Banana puffs were one of Kayli's favorites, but be careful the best I can remember Grandmama likes them pretty well too. We can't wait to come swim with you soon!! Kayli said that she can tech Annistyn how to do the fly and back just like in swim team but that she needs a black suit, swim cap, and goggles.

    Miss you and can't wait to see you!!

  3. Annistyn, you may be the cutest kid ever in a float. How calm and cool you look with your paci! With all this pool time, you may get a chance soon to wear your awesome blue bikini!
