After Katy finished with her morning lessons, I took Annistyn to Pet and PopPop's while I went to teach some private lessons. Annistyn ended up staying longer than I had planned, because I went with Katy to one of her friend's houses to look at little girl clothes. Annistyn got several cute outfits for this winter and next spring.
After we picked up Annistyn, it was back to Grandmama and Granddaddy's house for 2 more swimming classes. Tripp went to his friend Ocean's house, so I just had Tucker and Annistyn to play with. Even though it was just the two of them, they wore me out!
When we got home, Annistyn had a few puffs. We have really been working on her trying to feed herself. She's getting pretty good.

Now if we can get her to want to hold her bottle. She has not interest in doing this. If we put her hands around the bottle, she immediately pulls them away. I do not mind holding it for her at all, but I would hate for her to be 5 and still have to have somebody feed her! She is already spoiled rotten! We don't need to make it worse.
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