Josh works most Sundays, so it's usually just me and Annistyn. She had a bottle and some rice cereal before we left this morning, but apparently, they thought she was hungry again during Sunday school and fed her again. Needless to say, she was full as a tick by the time church started. She fell asleep during church and had a short little nap.
After church, Josh, Annistyn, and I went to El Tap for lunch. As soon as we walked in the door, Annistyn saw her Mama Karen and Papa Tim. She got so excited. Annistyn was very good during lunch. She just sat in her carseat and played with the little bird on her carseat.
When we got back home, we decided to try green beans for the 3rd time. I guess the 3rd time's a charm. Annistyn ate every bite of her green beans and didn't make a single funny face. So, hopefully this means she is learning to like green beans. We hope to try a new veggie this week.
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