Check out all that drool! I keep thinking she is cutting teeth, but I guess it just takes forever! Here she is taking a break to suck her thumb. I think she's been hanging around her cousin Tripp too long!
Sometimes it's really nice to have lazy, rainy days. I love being able to just sit and play with Annistyn.
At one point this afternoon, I promise I thought our house had been struck by lightning. Our entire house shook and it was so loud. As soon as the lightning struck, it smelled like something was burning. I don't know who was more scared, me or Annistyn. I quickly grabbed Annistyn, and we ran outside in the rain. I know, you probably think I've lost my mind, which I may have, but I wanted to make sure our roof wasn't on fire or anything. After running around the entire house, in the rain, carrying a baby, I concluded that our house had not been struck. I called Josh at work....I'm sure he probably thinks I'm just as crazy as you do! So, I'm now rambling, but it was a really scary 5 minutes.
Oh, and by the way, Annistyn slept until about 6:15 this morning. I think she would have slept until her normal 7:15, but Jake would not stop barking. He started barking around 5:30, when Josh left for work and continued until about 7:30. I called Josh about this too! ha ha Like he could really do something about the barking dog while he was at work. Averitt is probably going to start blocking my number very soon!
Annistyn, I'm sorry you have a crazy mommy. She has always been a little different, but we love her anyway!!