Here is the actual first bite going in.
I think these green things might be okay.
Well....Maybe not! Is it too late for me to change my mind?!?
I may not be sure about green beans, but my mommy sure is funny!
While Annistyn was testing out her green beans, my mom dropped by for a short visit. After one of the bites of green beans, my mom and I both thought Annistyn yelled "YUCK" very loudly. We laughed so hard. My mom says Annistyn is just like her daddy...She's not very fond of green beans! Atleast she still ate them though. If it were Josh, he wouldn't touch them. I hope she learns to like them, because I have made enough baby food green beans to last a month!
After her afternoon nap, Annistyn and I went to her granddaddy and grandmama's house to go for a dip in the pool. Since it was just the 2 of us there, I couldn't get any pictures of her actually in the pool. Here she is after we got out.
Thanks for my swimsuit Kayli! I looked very cute!
This is what she did as soon as I took her swimsuit off! (ha ha)
I love this girl so much! She keeps me laughing all the time!
Annistyn you look so cute in that swimsuit. Kayli wore her pink one today and told everyone that you had one just like her. Next time you will have to wear it and be twins!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that you did not love your green beans. Don't worry, I will be there soon and give you some good stuff! In the mean time be a good girl like your mommy and eat your veggies. That way you will grow big and strong. That is what I have to tell Alex and Kayli!
Love you and can't wait to see you again soon!!