Saturday, June 26:
Annistyn and I came home from our trip to Franklin. Josh had to work today, so Annistyn and I stopped in Cookeville and met Josh on his lunch break. Annistyn had been fussy for the last 15 minutes or so, but as soon as she saw her daddy, she got extremely excited!
After lunch, Annistyn and I came on to Sparta. We went and swam for a little bit with Pet, Katy, Tripp, Tucker, Corrie, and Kayli. We didn't stay long. I really just wanted her to be in the water long enough to make her tired. She has been a little off schedule due to traveling and shopping. This helped her to take a nice long nap.
We had a 1st when I was giving Annistyn a bath before bed (and hopefully a last!). Annistyn was just splashing around and giggling, when all of a sudden, little things started floating to the top of the water. Annistyn had gone poopy in the bath! So gross! I starting screaming, and Annistyn started dying laughing. She thought it was so funny! She is definitely her daddy's girl!
While I washed her bath tub, Annistyn watched her new Minnie Mouse movie that her daddy gave her. She gets so excited at the beginning when Mickey Mouse comes on and talks to you.

After Annistyn went to bed, Justin came over, and we all watched a movie. It was late when he left, I was tired from all the traveling, and I didn't get to blogging.
Sunday, June 27:
We got up and went to Sunday school and church this morning. Annistyn was ready for her nap before we even went! She was sitting with her Grandmama during church, and ended up falling asleep lying on the pew.
After church, we all went to Grandmama's and Granddaddy's for lunch. Granddaddy grilled some yummy burgers, and then we had grilled peaches with vanilla ice cream for dessert! So good!
I laid Annistyn down for her afternoon nap a little before 4:00, and I actually fell asleep too. She did not wake up until 7:00! She must have been one tired little girl. She went back to bed a little after 8:00. Maybe this means she will sleep in tomorrow morning! One can only hope!
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