Annistyn made her daddy a card for his 1st Father's Day. (Thanks Aunt Corrie! ha Long story!)
After church this morning, we went to the Lowery family reunion. It was very hot outside, but Little Bit was a trooper. She needed a nap, but she just sat in her stroller and laughed at everyone.
Later this afternoon, we went to Cookeville so Josh could pick out his own Father's Day present. Annistyn just gave him money. He picked out a new pair of tennis shoes and a pair of pants. Like he really needed a new pair of shoes. I think the man has an addiction to new tennis shoes. He probably has 10 pair that don't have a single scuff on them. Oh well, that's what he wanted.
We went to John and Cindy's for supper. Annistyn loves spending time with her Nana and Pa. She is extremely lucky to have such wonderful grandparents! By this point, she still had not had a real nap. It was pretty much a napless day. She took about a 5 minute nap at church and then about 10-15 minutes on the way home from Cookeville. I figured she would be a "Grumpy Guss," but she was still just as happy as ever!
After Annistyn went to bed, I made up some more baby food. Cindy gave us some squash from the garden, and I bought some carrots and peas. I'll let you know if she likes them.
We also want to wish a big Happy Birthday to my daddy! Happy Birthday and Happy Father's Day to you! Sorry you had to work, but we will see you tomorrow!
Happy Father's Day Josh!