When she woke up from her nap, we went to El Tap to eat lunch with Lauren and Keleena. Lauren is in town for a few days, so we all decided to go eat lunch. We miss Lauren, and hope she and Justin get to move back this way in the next couple of years! It was also good to see Keleena. Even though we both live in Sparta, we don't get to see each other nearly as often we would like. Maybe next time the twins will get to come too! Keleena said it is still just too hard to get Kolt and Kylee out on her own. I can't even imagine!
Tonight, Annistyn and I went with Grandmama to Tripp's t-ball game. He had an entire cheering section. As soon as he hit the ball, he would turn and look at all of us to make sure we were cheering (as if we weren't loud enough)! Here he is in action!
What 4 year old already knows how to lift their leg and step into it? Check out how he has his leg lifted. Katy and Dave are teaching him to bat left-handed, because if you bat left-handed you are that much closer to 1st base. I mean, don't all parents think of stuff like this to teach your children? ha
Gald you got to have fun and go see Tripp play ball tonight. I heard that he did a great job. You know that his mommy and daddy will teach him everything early so that he will be the best at every sport he does!! Wish that we would have been able to make it to the game. Hopefully we will be able to come to one soon!