Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick or Treat

Annistyn went trick or treating for the first time! She was so stinkin' cute, if I do say so myself. She dressed up as Minnie Mouse. Renee Bouldin's mom made Annistyn's Minnie Mouse hat. I made the bow to go on her hat and her little tutu. It was a super easy and cheap costume, but I LOVED it!

Here are some pictures of Miss Minnie Mouse with her Mama and Daddy!

Our first stop was to Grandmama's and Granddaddy's. They gave Annistyn some yogurt melts.

Our next stop was to Pet and PopPop's. I forgot my camera on this stop, but Annistyn got a treat bag full of Ritz crackers...her favorite!

Finally, we went to Nana and Pa's. They had some fruit snacks for Annistyn! She racked up with snacks.

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