Friday, November 5, 2010

11 Months

I can't believe that in one more month, Annistyn will be a year old! She is getting so big, so fast. It is getting harder and harder every month to take her picture with her sign saying how old she is. I don't think I got any pictures of her where the sign is showing completely. Here are a few of the pictures I did get.

Annistyn, this is what you are up to these days:
  • You are wearing size 12 months clothes.
  • You wear a size 3 diaper.
  • You wear a size 3 shoe.
  • You are crawling all over the place! You don't sit still very long at all.
  • You have 4 teeth, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom. You have your middle 2 on the bottom, and the 2 beside the middle ones on the top.
  • You can say Mommy, Daddy, bye bye, and a lot of other words that we just can't really tell what you're saying.
  • You can pull up and take a few steps if someone is holding on to you.
  • You LOVE to eat. You eat just about anything now.
  • You weigh a little over 20 pounds.

You make us laugh so much. You think you are so funny. You laugh at yourself quite often. Your smile and laugh are the best!

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