Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Long Day

Today was a very LONG day! I had Parent/Teacher Conferences after school today. Annistyn stayed with Karen until I got to leave at 6:15. I'm so thankful Annistyn has decided she can stay up past 6:00 these days, so we were able to play for a little while before she went to bed. She was able to stay up until about 7:30.

This morning, Annistyn did not want to wake up. We have to leave the house around 7:20 in the mornings, so if Annistyn is not awake by 7:00 then I usually wake her up. This morning I went in her room, turned on the lights, and started making noises to try and get her to wake up. After about 15 minutes, I finally had to just get her up. This is what she looked like right before I finally had to pick her up!

We took this picture tonight while we were playing to text to Josh, who is working in Alabama again this week.

We miss you daddy!

Annistyn has several cute Christmas outfits that I'm so excited that she can finally start wearing. I ordered her a new pair of red shoes off ebay to wear with all her Christmas outfits.

Aren't they super cute? You can also change the bow out and put different ones on! Oh, and Annistyn's favorite part...they are squeaky shoes! She loves squeaky shoes, even though she can't walk yet. She loves to hang on to something and try to jump up and down to make the squeak. I'm sure when she starts walking I will be trying to figure out how to take the squeaker out!

They are calling for snow tonight! I don't think there is going to be any accumulation, but it is still exciting to hear the word snow in the forecast!

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