Friday, December 3, 2010

1 Year Old

Today you are 1 one year old! The day before you were born, your daddy and I had gone to Cookeville for my appointment with Dr. Casal. Since you hadn't come yet, we knew he would be setting a date to induce. We didn't know that he was going to say go to the hospital tonight! Needless to say, we weren't quite ready. We had to rush back home, grab a bite to eat, and pack! Dr. Casal told me I shouldn't eat anything, but knew I would be starving, so I ate a plain grilled chicken wrap from Sonic. We were supposed to be at the hospital at 6:00, but we were a little late. Your daddy drove extremely SLOW! He has never driven slow in his life! We finally made it to the hospital around 6:30.

It was a very long night! There wasn't much sleeping going on. Your Aunt Katy and Aunt Corrie stayed until the wee hours of the morning. When we knew you wouldn't be coming until the next day, they went home for a little rest. Our night was filled with loud beeping machines and nurses coming in and out just to check on you.

The next morning, you had lots of visitors. Aunt Katy and Aunt Corrie came back, along with Grandmama, Granddaddy, Nana, Pa, and "Uncle Justin". Things went very quickly and much easier than I ever imagined. You finally arrived at 12:38 weighing 7lbs 4 oz.

We love you more than you can ever imagine!

Here are my attempts to get pictures with Annistyn and a sign saying she is 12 months old. I don't think you can actually see the sign in any of the pictures.

Annistyn, what are you up to these days?

  • You wear size 12 months clothes and size 3 shoes.

  • You wear a size 3 diaper.

  • You weigh 22.2 pounds.

  • You are still not walking, but crawling all over the place and pulling up.

  • You can say mama, daddy, bye bye, hi, eat, and ho, ho, ho! You are try to copy what everyone else says.
  • You can wave, clap, play peek-a-boo, blow kisses, and when someone asks you where your pretty eyes are, you will blink them. Your Mama Karen and Papa Tim taught you that trick, and it is so cute.
  • You are eating just about everything. You also no longer drink from a bottle.
  • You have to have your lovey and paci when you go to sleep.
  • You usually take 2 naps a day and sleep about 12-13 hours each night.
  • You are getting to be such a big girl and are extremely happy! We pray that you continue to be happy and healthy!

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