Monday, November 29, 2010

What's New?

It has been a crazy few weeks. Josh has been working in Alabama every week and coming home on the weekends. Annistyn and I both had the stomach virus...definitely not fun! There is nothing worse then seeing your baby sick and not being able to help! She was pitiful. Last week, Josh ended up staying home from work, because he had bronchitis. It was nice to have him home, but we just wish he wasn't sick. I think everyone in our house is now well!

We went to Cindy's to celebrate Thanksgiving with Josh's side of the family on Thursday. We went to Pet and Granddaddy's on Saturday to celebrate. We have definitely eaten plenty.

I think Annistyn's top teeth in the middle are finally starting to poke through! She has been a little fussy at night and putting everything in her mouth! For the most part, she is still a very happy girl!

I know, this has been the most random post, but here a some pictures from the last few weeks.

This is how Annistyn has decided to suck on her paci...upside down!

Here she is looking cute in her bib from her "Uncle" Justin.

It's rough being a baby!

Some nights when daddy is out of town, Annistyn and I stay at Grandmama's and Granddaddy's. The best part...Granddaddy's pancakes!

Annistyn has become a little mooch! She will be best friends with whomever has food. When that person's food runs out, she will go to the next person. Here she is taking some food from Pop-Pop!

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