Saturday, October 9, 2010

Family Day

Josh, Annistyn, and I spent the entire day together today. While Annistyn took her morning nap, Josh and I picked up a little around the house. When she woke up, we fed her a quick lunch, then we went to Sonic for lunch for me and Josh. After that, we parked at Grandmama's and Granddaddy's and walked downtown for the Liberty Square Celebration. We ran into Grandmama and Pet while we were there. It was crowded and very hot. We walked around once then decided it was time to go. Annistyn was just too hot. Josh and I were too. We then made a family outing to Walmart before coming back home for Annistyn to nap.

When Annistyn woke up from her afternoon nap, we all went outside to play. Annistyn loved swinging. She especially loved her daddy pushing her. She would just laugh and laugh everytime Josh pushed her!

Annistyn LOVES her daddy like crazy! She says "Daddy!" about a thousand times a day!

Annistyn is trying very hard to pull up! She wants to be standing and walking on her own very badly. She's just not there yet.

All that hard work calls for a big bottle of water!

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