Monday, October 4, 2010

10 Months Old...A Day Late

I guess it's better late than never! We went to Grandmama's and Granddaddy's house to get our Christmas pictures made today. I know, a little early! We had such a busy day, that I didn't have time to get Annistyn's 10 month post on the blog. It will just have to be a day late!

Here are some of the best pictures I could get with Annistyn and the 10 month sign. She would not let is sit beside her. She had to hold it!

And, just to prove she's my child...

I have a problem with blinking everytime a picture is taken. Annistyn may have the same problem!

Annistyn, what are you up to at 10 months?
  • You are wearing mostly size 9 months clothes.
  • You wear size 3 diapers.
  • You still sleep 12 hours every night and take 2 naps each day.
  • You are crawling everywhere, and you LOVE to find cords.
  • You can say mama, daddy, and bye bye.
  • You give kisses by saying, "Mmm ah!" It's so sweet!
  • You still love Mickey Mouse. We usually watch him while you eat breakfast. I really thought you said Mickey the other day.
  • You love to play with your Bitty Baby. You just hold her and pat her. It's the sweetest thing ever!
  • You love for your daddy to throw you in the air. You just giggle and giggle! It's so funny.
  • You still just have 2 teeth on the bottom.

We love you more than anything, and you bring so much joy to our lives!

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