Monday, January 3, 2011

13 Months and Tripp's Birthday Party

My sweeet Annistyn, you are 13 months old today! Time is going by too quickly! I want to just freeze time for a bit. You are at such a sweet stage. You keep us laughing constantly. You are becoming more expressive and have such an amazing personality. You are proving to be very stubborn and will do anything to try and get your way.

What are you up to these days?
  • You are wearing size 12 months clothes and size 3 shoes.
  • You wear size 3 diapers.
  • You weigh 21 lbs 13 oz and are 30 in. long.
  • You are still not walking, but you are crawling everywhere and pulling up.
  • You say mommy, daddy, bye bye, hi, eat, thank you, ho ho ho, and can bark like a dog.
  • If we ask you where your nose is, you stick your finger up your nose.
  • You are trying to climb on top of things. You have managed to get up a few steps and on top of your minnie chair a couple times.
  • You love to "love" on your babies and your Minnie Mouse.

Everyday, you are becoming more and more like a toddler, and less like a baby. It's sad in a way, but I love watching you grow each and every day! You have made me and your daddy happier than ever! We love you so much!

This afternoon, we went to Tripp's 5th birthday party. He had a Predators hockey party at the high school gym. Annistyn was wanting to be able to run around with all the other kids. Here are some pictures from the big day.

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