Friday, September 3, 2010

9 Months

Annistyn, I know I say this every single month, but I CAN'T believe you are 9 months old! That just seems so close to 1 to me, and 1 seems like you are no longer a baby! How is this even possible?

Renee Bouldin took your 9 month pictures today. I can't wait to see them. We took some at Grandmama's and Granddaddy's house and some at Barb and Jim Witzigman's house at Fancher's Mill. It is gorgeous out there.

I tried to take my normal monthly pictures of you with your 9 month old sign, but they are not as good as normal. You are too busy these days. Here are the best ones I could get.

Annistyn, what are you up to these days?

  • You need to be wearing size 9 months clothes, but we have very few things that are 9 months. You mostly still wear size 6 months, and we have a few things that are 6-12 months that you can wear.

  • You are wearing size 3 diapers.

  • You still sleep 12 hours at night and take 2-3 naps during the day.

  • You would prefer to feed yourself, even if it's oatmeal or baby food. You get mad sometimes and won't eat if I'm feeding you. Can you say stubborn?

  • You are still not crawling but want to so badly.

  • You can stand while holding on to things, if someone stands you up there.

  • You put anything and everything in your mouth. Today during your pictures, you kept trying to eat grass, leaves, dirt, and rocks.

  • You are so close to clapping your hands. You try so hard. You move them back and forth very fast, but can't quite get it.

  • You have learned to shake your head "no" and click your tongue.

  • You have 2 teeth on the bottom.

  • You have the biggest and best smiles. When you smile, your whole face lights up and fill the entire room!

  • You have the best laugh, and you love to giggle!

Your daddy and I love you like crazy! We love you more and more every single day. You make us so happy and you fill our hearts with joy! You are the best thing that ever happened to either one of us. We are extremely blessed that we are your parents and get to watch you grow and learn a little more each day! We love you!

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