I can't believe my summer vacation is almost over!
I had my annual back to school appointment with Tatum yesterday. I am now a little blonder, and I got a good trim. Annistyn spent the day with Grandmama while I got my hair done.
Last night, while I was cooking supper, I put Annistyn in the floor to play with her toys. I put her in the middle of the blanket in the living room. While I was in the kitchen, she started screaming, so I peaked in the door to see what was wrong. This is what I found.

She had scooted back and gotten her little toosh stuck under the couch. Ha! She is so funny!
This morning, Tripp and Tucker came over to play for a couple hours. Tucker handed me my phone, stood in front of me, and said cheese (paci and all)!

Annistyn loves playing with the boys. She wants them to be right next to her all the time.

We all went to Grandmama's for the afternoon. I had planned to let Annistyn swim for a bit, but it started to rain shortly after we got there. Which, I'm not complaining, because we definitely needed the rain!
After the rain, we came back home and played in the floor. Annistyn was being a little ham.

Annistyn had cut up, cooked carrots for the first time tonight. She loved them! She loves being able to feed herself!

Don't worry Annistyn, sometimes my toosh gets stuck too! I don't know why that is...