boy: What is your discipline plan?
me: We will go over all of that on Monday.
boy: Well, I've already been to alternative school, and I don't care about
in-school suspension, so what is your plan?
Here's another example:
boy: What is going to happen to me when I bring tobacco to school?
me: I will call Sgt. Dobson! He will come get you and take you to jail!
He had one of these questions about every 2 minutes for the entire hour and a half. It's going to be a fun year!
On another note, here are some new clothes that my mom made Annistyn for this fall! They are so stinking cute!
Oh, and for those of you wondering, Annistyn slept all night! She went down a little before 5 last night for a nap, and she woke up at 6:30 this morning! I guess she was a tired little girl.
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