Annistyn had her 18 month check up today. She now weighs 26 pounds and is 33 inches long. Everything went well, and she is very healthy. As soon as they walked in to check her out, Annistyn started talking her head off. They couldn't believe how much she talked. They said she talks much more than most babies her age. I have a feeling she is going to take after her daddy in the talking department! She also had to get 2 shots today, but did pretty well with them. She just cried for a minute.
After supper tonight, I let Annistyn sit on the couch and watch an episode of Mickey Mouse. While she was watching it, I asked her if I could take her picture. She quickly responded with, "Yeah." I told her to look at me, smile, and show me her teeth, and this is what I got.

What am I going to do with this girl? All the other pictures I tried to take ended up like this.
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