We have gotten quite a bit of snow in the last few days. We have not gone to school since last Thursday, and it's not looking like we will go back til Tuesday. It's still January! I have a feeling it's going to be a long winter. Annistyn has not been out to play in the snow, but she has enjoyed getting to stay home with mommy and daddy! Annistyn and I have not left the house since last Saturday. We may try to get out tomorrow. Here are some pictures of Priss enjoying her snow days.

Thanks Grandmama and Granddaddy for my "I Love Snow Days" shirt. It's very fitting for this winter. Also, thanks to my Nana and Pa for my blue jeans. Annistyn and I had a deep conversation as to why all the pictures on facebook are of children playing in the snow, but we were going to stay inside where it is nice and warm. This conversation didn't go over too well! ha! This is how she felt about that!

Yesterday, while we were eating lunch, Annistyn watched Sesame Street. Mickey Mouse only comes on in the mornings, so we had to flip channels to find something appropriate for Priss to watch. You would think this would be easier during the day, but no. After Sesame Street, The Wiggles came on. This was Annistyn's first time to see The Wiggles, and she loved them! She on the floor and just watched, tapped her foot, and clapped her hands. I took a quick video with my phone. I know it's not very good quality, but I was too lazy to run upstairs to get the video camera.
Since Annistyn seemed to enjoy The Wiggles so much, we got to watch them again today after lunch. Today, she didn't just sit and move to the rhythm. She had to be front and center today. Again, bad video quality, but she stood in front of the TV and shook her leg and occasionally her little booty. She also would raise her hands in the air and clap. She is so funny!
Yes, Annistyn is wearing her footie pajamas in both pictures. We have been lazy during our snow days. Don't judge!
Annistyn has learned to climb up in her Minnie chair and turn around to sit down in it all on her own. This afternoon while she was playing on her Minnie chair, she was standing up jumping in it. I told her to stop jumping and sit on her bottom. While she was trying to turn around to sit down, she fell backwards off her chair. She cried for just a minute until her daddy gave her an entire deck of cards to play with! She's working her way to the World Series of Poker.

Her shirt is awesome!!! Garrett needs one of those (in manly colors of course)! I'll have to try The Wiggles out too!
ReplyDeleteYes, I love her snow shirt-she looks so grown up in that shirt and her blue jeans, aww!