During some of our many snow days, my mom came over, and we painted our hallway. I forgot to take a before picture, but it was just a boring creme color. We painted it Chocolate by Porter. I love the way it turned out.

This isn't the best picture, but you get the idea.
Annistyn's toys have seem to taken over, so Josh has been working on making her a playroom. He rearranged the exercise room and fit the desk/office stuff in with all the exercise equipment. We ordered a huge baby gate from Babies R Us to separate the exercise/office area and the doorway to the bathroom. Here is the new playroom area, before we actually moved all her toys over.

Here is the new office area.

And finally, here is the new exercise area.

You would think with all this equipment I would be in better shape, but no! I guess I spent too much time on the office side doing homework!
Last weekend, we went to Tripp's Upward basketball game. Annistyn wanted to be out there playing so badly. She was in LOVE with the mascot, Uppy the Puppy. She went crazy everytime she saw him. She would literally yell so loud until he would come see her.

What else have I been up to this week you ask? Losing my mind, apparently! So, Tuesday morning, Josh gets up early, as usual, and goes to the Cafe to eat breakfast. He pulls back in the driveway as Annistyn and I are walking out the door to go to school. We talk to him for a minute, he gives me some lunch money, and we say our goodbyes. I then proceed to buckle Priss in, I get in the car, and put it in reverse to leave. All of a sudden....BOOM! I just backed over Josh's truck! Do you remember a few sentences before when I said I watched Josh pull in the driveway! I'm telling you, I'm losing my mind. Oh yeah, did I mention Josh just got this truck the day before!!!!
The insurance office was already closed when he bought this truck, so he was planning on going this afternoon to get insurance on this truck. It took 3 days for the insurance company to finally decide our existing insurance would cover fixing his truck and my Yukon. His truck was messed up pretty badly...apparently I have a lead foot! The most shocking part of the whole story - Josh didn't yell one single time. I think he felt so bad for me because I was hysterical. I'm sorry to say there were no pictures taken during this exciting morning.
The other night while Josh was at work, Annistyn crawled over to a pair of Josh's shoes, pulled the socks out of them, and put her cup of milk in them. Pretty smart, if I do say so myself. They made the perfect cup holder while she was playing. Whenever she would get thirsty, she would just crawl over, pull her cup out of the shoe, take a drink, put it back in, and then proceed playing. She is so funny!