We actually went to a new doctor for this visit, and we love Dr. Treece. She is awesome! She did tell us that Annistyn did NOT have the chicken pox! She has scabies! CRAZY!
For those of you who don't know what scabies is, it is very similar to lice. Scabies is when little, tiny mites get embedded in your skin. This causes an allergic-type reaction all over your body. These mites are actually so tiny, that you can't see them.
We got a cream to treat it, and we have to treat the entire family just in case. So we all rubbed each other down with the cream from head to toe in order to kill any mites. We also had to wash everything we have been in contact with in hot water and bag up things that cannot be washed. This required several loads of laundry for all our clothes, towels, bedding, carseat cover, high chair cover, etc.! We also bought a can of RID lice killing spray to spray down the mattresses, couches, and chairs. It was a very busy day, to say the least. Oh yeah, and did I mention we have to repeat this entire process in 10 days! Fun times in the Lowery house!
You can't see the rash in these pictures very well, but they are all I have.

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