I can't wait to meet her! I hope she and Annistyn will be big friends one day!
After church today, Josh, Annistyn, and I decided to go to Cookeville. We went to Arby's for lunch. YUM! Curly fries!

This picture was taken right before Annistyn decided she wanted to eat all the curly fries! She thought they were pretty yummy too.
We made our rounds and did a little shopping. Annistyn was so good, even though she hadn't had a nap. When she's in her stroller, she likes to prop her feet up on the tray. I tried telling her that wasn't very lady-like, but she didn't seem to care!

All the shopping wore this little girl out. She fell asleep as soon as she got in the car and then slept for 2 more hours after we got home.

Annistyn has started mocking her daddy this weekend. When he sits in the recliner, he puts his hands behind her bed. Everytime Annistyn looks at him while he's doing this, she puts her arms behind her head too and just smiles so big. It's hilarious. The first time she did it, Josh and I laughed uncontrollably!
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