Tucker stayed at Mama Karen's today with Annistyn. Karen said that Annistyn was lying on the blanket playing with Tucker. She said Tucker would leave her to go do something else, and Annistyn would do a fake cough until Tucker would come back. Every time Annistyn would start her fake cough, Tucker would say "Bwess you, Baby! Bwess you!" and run back over to her! They are so funny! They are both going to be a handful!
When I got home from work today, Josh had cleaned the entire house and done laundry! He's the best! He said he knew I haven't felt well, and he didn't want me to have to do anything when I got home. He wouldn't even let me cook supper!
Annistyn has started crying when we put her to bed. I feel bad for not spending more time with her, so I get her back up when she cries. I know, that's a very bad habit! Tonight, I decided I was just going to let her cry it out to try and break this habit. It wasn't successful. Somebody else (JOSH!), couldn't stand to let her cry. He got her up and rocked her for a little bit. After he rocked her for about 20 minutes, I put her back in the bed, and she went right to sleep. What does a little rocking and snuggling hurt anyway?
Why Won’t My USB Connect to My Laptop? Troubleshooting Guide
43 minutes ago
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