After lunch, we made a little trip to Wal-Mart. I got Annistyn level 3 nipples for her bottles, since she was still using level 1 nipples. Level 1 nipples are for babies 0-3 months...oops! We are just going to switch straight to level 3s. I also bought her a new sippy cup. None of her sippy cups have handles on them, and I thought they might help her to hold it on her own. We tested out the sippy cup when we got home. She did really well at first, but then got tired of it and frustrated.

She is turning into such a little ham! Even when I was taking her picture while she was drinking, she still had to sneak in a smile. I love this girl!
Steve and Kim were watching Willow today, and they came over for a little bit to let Willow play with Annistyn. Why can I never remember to take pictures at times like this? They were so cute together. Willow is about 5 weeks older than Annistyn. She just started crawling this week, and it looks exactly like a little inch worm. Annistyn loved on Willow. It was so cute!
Josh had to work today, so while Annistyn was having some tummy time, I snapped this picture to send to her daddy.

Annistyn had sweet potatoes for the first time today and loved them. They are probably a close contender with squash for her favorite food! I couldn't get the spoon in her mouth quick enough.
Tonight my parents brought me an early Christmas present. My dad got a cabinet at one of mom's auctions a few weeks ago. They said it was in too bad of shape to auction. He spent many, many hours stripping, refinishing, and repairing it. He said he was planning on giving it to me for Christmas but didn't have a place to store it. I absolutely LOVE it! Now I need to find a good place to put it. Right now it is in the downstairs bathroom holding towels, but I would love for it to be in a more noticeable place. I'll try to get some pictures of it and post tomorrow!
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