Katy said Annistyn didn't nap AT ALL yesterday. She said she was good, just didn't want to take a nap. I guess there was too much going on to sleep.

Katy, Dave, and the boys are staying at mom and dad's house for a few days to house/dog sit. Mom, Dad, and Corrie went to Vegas for a few days...JEALOUS! Anyways, when Josh and I got back, we stayed at my parent's house and hung out with Dave and Katy. Justin came over too. We stayed until way past my bed time, so I didn't get to blog. Josh and I had a wonderful day! Even thought we loved being with Annistyn, it was nice to spend the day just the two of us.
Today was a very lazy day! Annistyn and I didn't even leave the house. We stayed home and played all day. I didn't even cook supper, we just ordered pizza!