Even though this is Annistyn's 2nd Christmas, in many ways, I feel like it's her first. She was just 3 weeks old last Christmas and slept through most of it. We were very excited going into this holiday season and being able to watch her with all the excitement.
Santa sent Annistyn a little message. Click
here to watch it.
Corrie and the kids came up on Wednesday. All the kids LOVE Alex!

We had a crazy few days. On Dec. 23, Corrie and Katy's families, and Josh, Annistyn, and I all went to my parent's house to let the kids open presents from grandmama and granddaddy.

Annistyn was more impressed with the boxes and Grandmama's big bag!

Christmas Eve morning, we went to Grandmama and Granddaddy's house for the Haston family brunch. Here are a few pictures from brunch.

After resting up from brunch, the England side of my family all go to Pet and Granddaddy's for dinner and crazy Christmas fun!

The kids all open their presents first. For 2 reasons: 1. They can barely control their excitement! 2. It gives them something to do while the adults open their presents.

The kids all got Titans shirts signed by Cortland Finnegan. Go #31!

Aunt Lori and Uncle Tom were VERY excited about the Cortland shirts!

Finally the adults open all of their presents.

Josh and I got the coolest gift from Pet and Granddaddy. It is a picture of Annistyn printed onto a piece of metal. It is so cool to look at in person, especially the way the light reflects off of it.

For Granddaddy's gift, everybody always does an act of kindness for someone else and write him a letter about it. I cry with every letter he reads.

Somebody please remind me next year not to sit by the CRAZIES! What was I thinking?

Okay, hang in there! Christmas is almost over! After the madness at Pet and Granddaddy's, Katy, Corrie, myself, and our families all go to mom and dad's to spend the night. Santa always comes to see all the kids Christmas morning, and this year, he didn't disappoint.

After seeing what all Santa brought, Josh, Annistyn, and I went home to rest a bit before we finish out Christmas. We went to Josh's Uncle George's cabin for lunch, and then came home for a nap. After our nap, we went to John's house for Christmas with the Lowerys.

That last picture is Josh with sweet Ella Kate! She is so big already. She's going to catch up to Annistyn soon!
Finally, we all came home and crashed! We are extremely blessed, but Christmased out! Yes, I made up a word, "Christmased!"