The other night when I was cooking supper, I had went outside to flip over whatever was on the grill. Normally Annistyn will just sit in the kitchen while I do this, since the grill is right outside the kitchen door. Actually, she usually sits by the door and cries while I do this. Even though I hate that she cries, I know that she is not going anywhere or getting into anything. Anyways, back to my story. I was outside flipping what was on the grill and I heard the kitchen door open. I thought it was Josh coming to tell me something, so I turned around to see what he wanted. It wasn't was a sweet little girl with a BIG smile on her face that immediately yelled "Mommy!" when I turned around. Yes, Annistyn has figured out how to open doors!
The other morning while I was in the shower, Annistyn was playing in the floor of the bathroom like she usually does. I keep a bag full of toys in there for her to play with so I can keep an eye on her while I take my shower. She got really quiet for a minute, so I pulled the shower curtain back to see what she was doing. She had unrolled an entire roll of toilet paper! Again, you could tell she was so proud of herself. When I got out of the shower, I took a quick picture of the mound of toilet paper.

So, what did I do with the mound of toilet paper, you ask? I rolled it back up for us to use! Toilet paper is not cheap! When Josh got home from work, I asked him if he noticed anything about the toilet paper, and he said no even though he had used some. He is obviously not very observant. How could you not notice the wildly rolled back up roll of toilet paper?